Making the Holidays Bright
A Community Tradition of Giving
When Neighbors are going through a rough patch financially, Christmastime can be an especially difficult time of year. With the help of community volunteers, Cornerstone hosts about 200 children and their families at Cornerstone Christmas. At this festive holiday event, parents secretly shop for their children’s gifts while volunteers keep their children involved in fun activities — turning the burden of Christmas into a celebration with their family. For the 500+ volunteers, the spirit of giving is a cherished tradition that everyone can share.
In the weeks leading up to Cornerstone Christmas, we partner with the community, businesses, and schools to hold drives for new coats, toys, socks, underwear, décor, food, and stocking stuffers. These drives collect a wide range of holiday cheer to share with our Neighbors.
Some participating Neighbors are those we’ve worked with over the past year; others opt in through our partnership with Prosper ISD. The event starts with a Gospel presentation, followed by activities for the kids and conversations with the host family for the parents as they navigate the Christmas shopping options and wrap up their selections. Each family is free to choose the brand-new gifts their children will love most, whether they’re shopping for their infant, toddler, elementary-age child, middle-schooler, or teenager.
When the festivities are done, every parent leaves with the key ingredients for a merry Christmas:
- Six gifts per child
- Stockings full of treats and trinkets
- New socks and underwear for their children
- A Christmas tree and holiday décor if desired
- New coats for their children
- Gently used coats for themselves
- A Bible
- Enough food for Christmas dinner and to help out during the two-week school break