With every one-time cash gift, 12-month recurring gift, or donation
of your gently used clothing, household goods, and furniture,
Cornerstone NCT is making a difference in the community we share.
Your Financial Gift Buys Essentials
How Much Good Can Your One-Time Gift Do?
$10 buys 3 budget accountability journals
$25 sponsors an apartment water bill
$50 provides a pair of shoes for one child participating in our Back-to-School Bash
$100 provides stockings for 3 children at Cornerstone Christmas
$200 covers one phone bill for a family of four
$500 covers an electric and internet bill to help a Neighbor maintain the ability to get to a job
$1,000 sponsors one family of four for Cornerstone Christmas
How Much Good Can Your monthly Recurring Gift Do?
$10 ($120/year) can keep a water bill on for a Neighbor
$20 ($240/year) pays for one family’s internet bill so they can continue working from home &/or look for work
$50 ($600/year) provides 6 backpacks with school supplies
$100 ($1,200/year) pays 5 water/gas bills, or provides 12 kids Christmas gifts
$200 ($2,400/year) pays 10 water/gas bills, or provides 50 kids tennis shoes at the Back to School Event
$500 ($6,000/year) pays a year’s worth of electric & internet bills
Your Donated Goods Give Hope
If you have new or gently used clothing, household goods, furniture, or other items that are cluttering your house, donate them to someone who can put them to good use! We rely exclusively on donations from community members like you to keep our retail store stocked.
Other Ways to Give
Link your Kroger Community Rewards with Cornerstone Assistance Network of North Central Texas (#85727), and every time you swipe your card, we will get a percentage of their sales.
Cornerstone can accept donations of stock. Please contact us for more information.